Sunday Beautiful morning, so walked through Chiswick House to the Farmer’s Market just off the A316 to Richmond before Chiswick Bridge. I particularly wanted to buy a £1 bag of little Ergemont Russet apples from Ringden Farms, who’ve been cultivating their orchards since 1949 on the Kent/Sussex borders. They also have bags of my other…
Category: My Week In Food
My Week in Food is a diary of my food shopping, cooking and eating out. I mention favourite websites, food shops, restaurants and food and drink related people and sometimes give related recipes. Most often, though, the recipe comes in a note form rather than a formulated recipe although there is always enough detail to get you cooking. Actual recipes are in the Recipes section of the website.
My Week in Food started Sunday 23 June 2019 and despite the occasional omission, usually caused by my useless grasp of WordPress, I’ve kept it up every week, although I have been late posting. Some weeks are more interesting than others but there is always something worth reading about and it’s a backlog worth dipping in and out of, often with mini-essays on various aspects of food.